Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Interview with *the* New Article Booster

K, so, y'all have probably figured out I am not the most persistant person when keeping up with the blog......
However, this was well worth the wait! This evening, I'll be interviewing our NAB that has been doing it for years! She's been in a regular interview post, too.


Teresa is an experienced wikiHow editor, she's been editing the site for over four years, and has boosted over 75,000 articles. (Wow! =O)

Me: Why did you *want* to take the NAB test?

Teresa: I saw it as a progression and they needed the help. I think my first boost was July 3, 2008.

Me: Did you put any thought into it? Like,"Should I do his","Should I wait", etc..

Teresa: No. I have always been a good test taker and the fact that I had to pass a test made me want to do it more. So I asked Jack and he gave me the test. Then I had to bug him in emails to get the results.

Me: What's your favorite part about Boosting?

Teresa: The fact that it's always there. And I know that I don't have to totally change the article THIS time, because I can go back to it. As long as it is in NAB, it will be there to work on. It's like an intense version of Recent Changes. You do easy stuff there, but most won't spend a lot of time on articles. That's PART of the job in NAB and you STILL don't have to do it all at once. Just don't hit the 'Mark as Patrolled'.

Me: And, anything random about Boosting you'd like to add?

Teresa: That if people think they can do it, they should,but they should make an effort to talk to those who have been doing it a long time.

And, that's the interview! In short, she's one of the most dedicated, fun and hard working on wikiHow! Thanks for reading, until next post!

June Days

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