Friday, April 6, 2012

Welcome to wikiHow's New Admins!

The admin elections have recently come to a close, and we would like to welcome and congratulate Metsguy234 (Mike) and Tiagoroth (Neil) into adminship! Below are some questions asked and answered.
1) Did you expect to be elected this round?

Metsguy234- Oof, that's a tough one. I'd like to say no, but I started to catch on eventually. Eventually the bridesmaid actually does become the bride!

Tiagoroth- Guiltily, sort of. Some people told me that I would probably get elected this round with more experience under my belt.

2) What was your first thought when you read that you would become an admin?

Metsguy234- "I hope I don't break the list of administrators when I add myself", lol.

Tiagoroth- My first thought... It was nothing but happiness, also guiltily :p

3) What admins-only tool do you think you'll use the most?

Metsguy234-  I'll probably move [rename] a lot of pages.

Tiagoroth- Probably the delete button.

4) Anything else you want to share?

Metsguy234- I managed to become an admin after eight tries and as a former troll. If I can do it, anyone really can!

Tiagoroth- Not particularly, but to those wanting to become an admin: If you don't get elected the first time, don't take offense at all! Re-read the policies and try to improve the areas you're sort of lacking in :)
Well, that about wraps it up! Congratulations to Mike and Neil!

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