Sunday, April 1, 2012

wikiHow Forums

If you're a wikiHow editor, you can collaborate with fellow editors using the forums.

You can use the forums to:
- Request new categories on wikiHow
- Collaborate on what to do with specific articles
- Share news regarding wikiHow
- Idly chat with other users (hopefully not too often)
- Play forum games (hopefully not too often)

The categories are:
Village Pump
Collaboration Corner
Help Using wikiHow
New Category Suggestions
Bug Reports
General Chat
- Forum Games

There are currently over 3000 discussions, but that doesn't mean you can't practice netiquette.

If a thread is over one week old, you probably should not comment on it. It will push newer discussions down the list. If you have nothing relevant to say, do not comment on a thread. Do not spam or rick roll anyone.


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